Sunday 20 May 2012

Photos of printed material.

Here are the edited photographs of all of the outcomes that i managed to get printed for this brief.
Really like some of the design work that i have produced for this brief, very modern, crisp and relevant for the subject matter.


lorraine gave me some guidance for the web designs i had come up with, she liked the concept behind the website however given the time scale of the project and the amount of time we have left to complete it she advised me not to go ahead trying to create the coding for the interactive background of the site. Instead, finalize designs for website proposals and just mock up what i would like the webpage to look like in use. She advised me to set up some guides to align parts of the site better just to give it a neater finish also i get rid of the black stroke around the boxes because it gives it a 'cheap' feel, which i completely agree with, it looks much better without the black stroke. However i am pretty devostated that i couldnt masted the coding for the website, would of been nice to use within my outcomes in someway after spending so long trying to learn how to use it, however a proposed mock up will have to do i guess. Hopefully i will look into processing again for other projects and master it then. 

aligning each of the parts of the website.

finished mock up of website

mock up of website in use..

futher web design development

Further experiments with the layout of the website, slight alterations to finish off designs.


Finalising designs for exhibition collateral, finishing off previously started designs, the first two are large scale prints to be hanged from the ceiling to be used as signage for the exhibition.

also this is a concept for name tags and descriptions to be placed beside work displayed at the exhibition.

mocked up exhibition.


Further branding for the exhibition, mocked up version of a compliments slip to be given to people who purchase a ticket for codex, using a similar design style as the letter head to follow the consistency of the branding this is what i designed.

slight changes to the layout of text, trying different placements to find which works best.

finished compliments slip.


Another attempt at designing tickets for the event, decided to scrap the original designs because i really didnt feel like they were going anywhere, with the strong gradient it just looked like their was too much going on, whereas from looking into ticket designs ive realised the simpler the better and i need to start making my design work relevant for the audience instead of designing things trying to be different. The simpler the better...

So i decided to try and narrow down on colours, trying to stick with just one colour + stock, trying the light blue and pink from other design work i decided the pink worked allot better being less in your face. I then created the patterns around the logo, first i tried a buisy looking pattern but again the design started to look messy and the ticket needed to be quite simple therefore went for a subtle one stretching across the top and bottom.

I then asked for design guidance from yaf after creating a design that i was quite happy with however felt it wasnt quite there, he suggested that i may look allot stronger if i inverted the colours of the type and background so i gave that a go.

Turned out to look really nice, simple design, needed the gradient in the left side due the the logo being white and i didnt want to change that to ruin the visual consistency of the project to i subtlety placed it ontop of a light pink gradient.


Another quick idea i head to extend my potential range of my project was to design stationary and souvenirs for the event itself, an idea i has was to create a notepad however with the lines of the notepad itself joining together to create the codex pattens and shapes that have been used throughout the project. I thought it was quite a good concept for a notepad and the overall outcome looks really interesting. 

experimenting with layouts for the cover.

i accidentally switched the stroke and fill around when creating the vectors for these lines which i thought gave the notepad a really nice look, however something not really relevant for my project, maybe something i will consider for other briefs.

Finished notepad, cover and pages.