Wednesday, 28 September 2011

OUGD201 - Design Production - Print. Studio Workshop 28/09/11

good is... minimalism,
conveying a message using the least amounts of elements as possible.

Lateral thinking, asking ourselves questions about our good to break it down further and hopefully spark some ideas for a concept.

What makes it good?
-the genius ideas

-it's clear cut
-the history behind it, swizz design
-modernization of technology
-minimalism is everywhere

Who would find it good?
-graphic designers
-people in the design sector
-modern people

Who wouldnt find it good?
-old fashioned people
-traditional people
-fine artists
-cluttered people

What is it better than?
-fine art
-traditional art
-loose women

If your good was a profession what would it be?
-graphic designer
-apple coe
-product designer

if your good was a celebrity who would it be?
-thom yorke
-steve jobs?

If your good was a place where would it be?
-New zeeland
-Apple shop

If your good was a product what product would it be?
-original source
-innocent smoothie
-memory foam

if your good was an event what event would it be?
-beacons festival.
-modert art gallary

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