Monday, 14 May 2012

processing - cinder

after looking into similar style of working as these data chart it looks like i have to use date and processing software to create my designs.

Justin Windle - Quick noise controlled sphere

Justin Windle uses a processing software called cinder to create these patterns by inputting noise into the software, these shapes and patterns.. kind of like particles flying about, would be perfect for displaying information in a style like i would like to so i decided to give this cinder programme a try.

However after messing about with these files for ages i couldnt find any programme, how to install it, how to use it, any form of tutorial online or anything..
Turns out it is all done by inputting data, code and html into 'TERMINAL' on a mac.
something i have never seen before or even heard of, so i really dont know what im doing with this.
i tried inputting the  'git clone git:// cinder_master '
code into terminal which apparently is the code you use to get started but nothing happened. so i really do not have any idea how to use this. programme.

i tried running some other code through this terminal which it told me to do some on a tutorial forum, but still nothing happened, 

'void clearconst ColorA &colorbool clearDepthBuffer ) {
    glClearColor( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
    if( clearDepthBuffer ) {
        glDepthMask( GL_TRUE );
        glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );


float gray = sin( getElapsedSeconds() ) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
gl::clear( Color( gray, gray, gray ), true );

Really do not have any idea how to go about using this software in the slightest, think my plan for creating these patterns is going to be pretty difficult/impossible.

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