Wednesday, 25 May 2011

speaking from experience - research

i then conducted some research into macs, how much they cost any wether they are worth the money also wether people actually consider them essential for graphic design.

and then looked further into it, looking at the spec and what you actually get for the money.
- £896
-2.4ghz inter core 2 duo
-2gb ddr3 memory
-250gb hard drive

macbook pro 13"

macbook pro 13"
-2.7 ghz
-500 gb

macbook pro 15"

macbook pro 15"
-2.2 ghz
-720 gb

macbook pro 17"
-2.2 ghz

macbook air 11"
-1.4 ghz

macbook air 11"

macbook air 13"
-1.86 ghz

macbook air 13"


so any way you look at it a new mac will be setting you back around a grand, however from looking at the specs other than memory theyre is not much differance between the macbook for £999 and the one for £2,099 and rather then spending an extra grand for abit more memory you could just get external hard drives with a terabyte's memory on for around £100.

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